Where can PELEA be used?

Thanks to the both levels (high and low - level), PELEA can be used to implement applications in the whole spectrum:

  • In full deliberative applications (as for instance in the case of applications with no need to respond in short real time), there is no need for a reactive component, so the related components can be set to null. Examples are logistics applications that plan a sequence of trucks movements.
  • In some deliberative applications, there is no need for a reactive component, but it is useful to separate high-level reasoning of some low-level implementation of that reasoning. For instance, in some robotics applications, there might not be a need for the robot to react fast, but it might be useful to separate the specification of high-level actions (navigate, take-image) from their current implementation or multiple implementations (using low-level actions to set the speed of wheels).  In this case, it is useful to have these two reasoning levels separated in the two components of the architecture (high-level and low-level) that are usually implemented using different techniques (PDDL-based planning vs. controllers based on all kinds of technologies).
  • In full reactive applications, the deliberative component might not be needed or can be used very rarely to set up general plans to carry out. In that case, most of the control loop will be in charge of the low-level components.

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